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Seeing the Good - An Online Power of Goodness Experience

The SCAP National Coordinating Council Student Leaders initiated the first Online Power of Goodness event for SCAns last January 13, 2024. This series started with the theme on Affirmation with the story Boot Under the Bed. This was attended by 10 people including 2 from the SCAP National Secretariat, 2 from the National Coordinating Council, 3 from the Diocese of Tarlac, and 3 from the Diocese of Tagbilaran.

“Elizabeth’s response when she saw the boot under the bed, which was a robber in hiding, was out of this world or not ordinary,” Ken from Tarlac said during the discussion on the story.

The group further shared on how responding to threat and danger with retaliation and panic seem more natural than responding to it with kindness, compassion, and understanding because that is what we usually see around us. With the many instances of danger, violence, and threat around us, how is it that a response like Elizabeth is possible? This question led the group to the discussion on seeing the good and affirming it in ourselves and in others.

During the small and big group discussions, the group noticed the value of affirmation and how it allows us to also be able to see the good in others. The difficulty in seeing the good in others could come from the difficulty in seeing the good in ourselves. The group practiced affirmation in pairs, wherein they were given time to notice the good in themselves and share it with their companion.

Practicing affirmation, and having people hear you out without judgement helps in being able to notice the good in you more and also see the good in others more.

During the reflection, the group appreciated their first Power of Goodness experience and how this has become a safe space to share insights, feelings, and experiences as we relate it to the story. Having students from various places also gave them affirmation in their roles as student leaders in SCA and how it resonates with others wherever they may be.

The SCAP Online Power of Goodness will continue monthly in order to provide a space for our student leaders all over the Philippines to talk about and practice creating cultures of peace through stories of nonviolence from all over the world.

Help us create Cultures of Peace through Power of Goodness in SCA

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